This is a short snippet (P. 51) of a reflection by Dr. Ed Gore, one of the Shelton Leadership Center Board of Advisors. You can find more reflections in the book, Secrets of Success.
“My father had so many of the skills that make an excellent leader. He was congenial, liked by people, but what I saw and carried over into my career was his work ethic and the willingness to seize the moment. As a father and partner, he talked to me about sad family legacies and how there were so many of these wealthy upper-class people who had opportunities but never built on their parents’ and grandparents’ dreams. But he’d look at it all in the light of the values-based leadership rules that he lived by and that Ive tried to live by, which is exemplified by the Four-Way Test of the Rotary:
- Is it the truth?
- Is it fair to all concerned?
- Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
- Will it be beneficial to all concerned?”